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Here's a scary fact for anyone starting out in business - 89% of all new businesses fail and fold within the first six months! Still think you should go it alone and not join a wholesale list? Personally, with them there odds, you're going to be fighting the tide if you can't get any solid leads about where to source the stock you need to run your business. Time you should be using to grow your business!. This is because if you find the right wholesale list you will be able to find the best wholesalers who will have a good range of products that you can start your business with. Don't get me wrong, you can source your own wholesale stock and you can get lucky and find legitimate wholesalers who won't rip you off and land you with a pile of rubbish stock that you can't sell on, however to be sure, this will take time. You can try and source the contact details of wholesalers yourself or you can simply put the expense of buying into one of the better wholesale lists down as a business expense, which it is, and let someone else do the hard and dirty work for you. Still think you don't need to check out a wholesale list? They really are part of the tool box of any serious business person who wants to succeed. And if you opt for the right information source, you will also find out that those wholesalers have been vetted and verified so you can trade and do business with them without worrying about being ripped off or being sold counterfeit items. If you don't have stock, you make no money, no money no chance of improving yours and your family's living standards. I mean, there're so many, what we call in the business 'junk lists' out there, that are basically selling rubbish and out dated information. Choose the right source and you will find that the wholesalers on that list have already been vetted for reliability and trustworthiness, their payment options are sound and offer full refund options should you need to and they also offer their wholesale stock in quantities you can cope with and at prices you can make a profit on. A quality wholesale list will give you the contact information of the best wholesalers who have the best products. However, there is a fee for joining the better lists or directories, and it's not really surprising, since the information within them are premium. But you really shouldn't despair, because with a little help you can find some solid gold information that can help you grow your business, boost your income and give you the lifestyle you want. I suppose the choice is yours and quite simple really. Let me also add that those 11% of businesses that do succeed and make it to the end of the first year, well they succeeded because they were begun using sound financial sense, good planning and by making business partnerships and deals with the right people at the right price. That's why if you think finding a legitimate wholesale list is a waste of time, I really wouldn't blame you. Are you looking for information abouot wholesale lists? Well no doubt you've discovered that there's a fact you're never aware of until you try cycling socks wholesale and get into the wholesale business and that is that if you don't know the right people, then getting into a legitmate w.
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